Mark's story

How or why did you decide to work in social work?

In terms of values, I have always been strongly for inclusion and empowerment. I found myself getting more and more involved in volunteering and community projects and felt this was where I would like to focus my energies.

What are the different opportunities available in social work?

My journey has included care, working in establishments and in the community, including policy, development and management roles.

What motivates you to work for our organisation?

From managing a supported living service for people with mental health issues, I was pleased to find clinical roles in Devon Partnership NHS Trust in addition to specifically social care ones. The training and opportunities here have included qualifying as a therapist, which I greatly enjoy.

What does social work mean to you?

Social work means working in accordance to a set of values – recognising people and being alongside them on their journey in a hopeful, constructive way. Being value-based helps when dealing with difficult situations and in informing professional discussions.

How does your role make a difference to patients and service users?

I hope that empathy and respect may help engage with people whose journey has typically been challenging. At times the quality of this professional relationship has supported people in being able to hear and perhaps even start to understand and respect their own voice.


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